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At That Hour
Feb. 1, 2021

Gramophone Reviews ‘At That Hour’

At That Hour: Art Songs by Henry Dehlinger Danielle Talamantes, soprano Kerry Wilkerson, bass-baritone Henry Dehlinger, piano AV 2424 Gramophone January 2021 Henry Dehlinger is a gifted and versatile musician. As a pianist of exceptional fluency,…


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At That Hour
Oct. 16, 2020

New Release: At That Hour

Art Songs by Henry Dehlinger Released Oct 16, 2020 AVIE Records | AV2424 Click here to buy now!! At That Hour is a superlative showcase for Henry Dehlinger’s craftsmanship as a composer as well as…

Sep. 10, 2020

A new recording with Avie Records!!

At That Hour: Art Songs by Henry Dehlinger San Francisco-native Henry Dehlinger, turned his hand to full-time composition in 2015. His natural affinity for vocal music has also led to a number of works for solo…

Kerry Wilkerson & Danielle Talamantes together laughing
Feb. 19, 2020

A Very Uncommon Couple

I take delight in bringing music to life on the stage but sharing that spotlight with my husband, bass-baritone Kerry Wilkerson, makes performing that much more fun! We were delighted to be featured in the…